BrewDog Jack Hammer
BrewDog Jack Hammer is a relatively strong IPA, available from Beer Head. This is a stronger and bitter beer compared to BrewDog’s Tangerine Clockwork or Dead Pony Club. Craft beer lovers will definitely love this one but may not be so popular due to it’s bitter taste which makes it quite a particular beer. Luckily for us, our tastebuds are used to strong bitter beer and this is definitely a keeper. If you are into bitter IPA, this is highly recommended.
About BrewDog Clockwork Tangerine (Brewdog)
Colour: Amber
Alcohol by volume: 7.2%
Beer type: IPA
Character, taste and aroma: This bitter IPA has aromas of pithy grapefruit which are quickly tailgated by a bitter hop hit which keeps on building.

Beer review from Beeradvocate
This beer pours a hazy, pale tarnished golden yellow colour, with three fingers of puffy, densely foamy, and rather bubbly off-white head, which leaves some spectral, hanging rockface lace around the glass as it slowly ebbs into nothingness. It smells of somewhat dank pine resin, orange and lemon cream citrus notes, bready and grainy caramel malt, toffee pudding, a twinge of earthy yeast, and further leafy, herbal, and floral hop bitters. The taste is gritty, grainy caramel malt, musty pine needles, more indistinct green forest floor astringencies, some tropical fruit (guava, pineapple, and kiwi, mostly), more pedestrian orange and red grapefruit flesh, and the same additional floral, herbal, and kind of perfumed hops from the nose.
The bubbles are fairly unassuming in their supportive and playfully frothy measures, the body a solid medium weight, and generally smooth, the local hops minding their own bidness – so much so, that a pleasant creaminess arises as things warm up a bit. It finishes on the sweet side, as complex malt, fruity hop, and heretofore undetected (cognitive dissonance FTW) alcohol make it just so. An agreeable enough American-style IPA, but hardly something that provides the incisive palate incursion as inferred via the title of this offering. Par for the course, once again for Brewdog, i.e. the beer is actually pretty good, but not quite as good as their egos and marketing budget, it would seem.
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