Brussels Beer Project Grosse Bertha

Brussels Beer Project Grosse Bertha

Today we present the fourth beer from the Brussels Beer Project lineup – Grosse Bertha. This Belgian Hefeweize beer is the result of the blend between the recipes of a belgian tripel and a german hefeiwezen. In other words its it’s the Oktoberfest in Brussels! Get your own pack from Brewhaus online store now enjoy the unique taste of this authentic craft beer.

Brussels Beer Project Grosse Bertha review (Real Ale Craft Beer)
About Grosse Bertha (Brussels Beer Project)

Colour: Pale yellow
Alcohol by volume: 7%
Character, taste and aroma: Its German yeast gives aromas of banana and clove. Taste is very smooth and thirst-quenching, resulting in a very unique “Hefeweizen” (wheat beer) with an elevated alcoholic content.

Brussels Beer Project Grosse Bertha

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