BrewDog Dead Pony Club
Over the coming weeks, we will be reviewing a collection of BrewDog beers, commencing with Dead Pony Club. Brewdog is probably the hottest brewery around right now thanks to its various initiatives including carbon-negative beer, cult co-founder James Watt and various bars around the world. Dead Pony Club is a session IPA available from Brewhaus. I got mine in an amazing mixed pack having Punk IPA, Hazy Jane and Clockwork Tangerine.
About Brewdog Dead Pony Club (BrewDog)
Colour: Light amber
Alcohol by volume: 3.8%
Beer type: IPA
Character, taste and aroma: This IPA has a hoppy flavour with aromas of citrus, lemon-grass and lime zest. The toasted malt base ebbs to a huge hop hit, washing tropical fruit, floral garlands and spicy undertones all over your palate.
Beer review from Beeradvocate
This Californian Pale Ale packs a huge hoppy punch. A 21st century low amplitude, high voltage hop hit. Some people say slow is good. We believe fast is better. Being shot from a Hoppy Howitzer beats the hell out of trotting round a submissive paddock. That’s why the internal combustion engine got mounted onto two wheels. Screw down the throttle and listen for that dull banshee howl floating back from those malted mufflers. Drink fast, live fast, sleep late and rip it up down empty streets. This pale ale is chopped, tuned and ready to roll. Fuel up and hold tight, this little thoroughbred kicks like a mule. Perfect for drinking by the bottle, case or even keg.
See more of our reviews in our Wines, Spirits & Beers section.